Park Bogum's looks beat out even the weirdest hair cut

Article: Park Bogum's 'shocking bowl hair cut'

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+1,215, -80] It is pretty shocking but he still looks handsome even with this hair style ㅜㅜ

2. [+1,015, -66] If the journalist thinks this is shocking, then he'll probably faint if he ever looks in the mirror

3. [+787, -55] The fact that he still looks handsome even with this hair style is more shocking

4. [+28, -5] Shocking that he looks good with it

5. [+25, -7] You mean shockingly handsome

6. [+24, -5] His handsome face is able to pull it off... but who cut his hair like this?! It's not even a complete bowl cut, what is this ㅠㅠ

7. [+19, -5] He looks like a cute acorn~♥

8. [+19, -6] It's unreal how handsome he is... it's an honor to even be considered the same homosapien as him ㅠㅠ

9. [+16, -7] Who did this to Bogumie

10. [+15, -1] Handsome people are unaffected by hair styles

